Friday, August 05, 2005

AM Class

Made it to 7AM class today, flying down the highway to make it in
time--not a good idea, but I zipped into the parking lot in the nick of

Josh teaching, Andy and a new guy--Juri formerly of Peter Bernath's dojo
in FL, and me. Funny how learning happens for me in this class. The
instructor may direct me to do something differently, and I am doing
what I can to be the essence of perfection (ha ha), but my level of
presence is usually not very steady this early in the morning. So the
two questions here are: is my body acting as I intend? and, 2: what is
my intention?

Observation: whenever we practice a technique with another person, our
entire past presents itself as our technique. We establish patterns of
interaction with each other and that becomes part of our ongoing history
in the making. So it is interesting when someone new enters the
picture, someone whose style is in some ways very different from my
own. Juri, I would say, has something of a gruffness to his technique.
I wonder if this is due to his time spent in NY, but maybe also part of
his training in FL.


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